Conscious Weight Loss Podcast

Kathrine Brown is a master-level coach, writer and your voice of clarity on weight loss. Did she set out to become this? Nope. She became this after a humbling moment…when she realized her dog was better at weight loss than she was. Since then she’s developed the leading-edge Conscious Weight Loss® coaching process, authored the insightful Wisdom Bites™ blog and saved thousands from potential weight loss embarrassment in the eyes of their pets. In this podcast Coach Kath shares the wisdom and wit that got her from struggle to joy, from Ego to Soul. You can end your binge eating, food addiction, body image and self-sabotage issues naturally. You can live your bigger life with fun and fearlessness. And all this starts with deepening the conversations you’re having with yourself around weight loss. Your evolution…begins…now. The first ’baker’s dozen’ episodes #1-13 were created as a FREE COACHING course for you (Season 1 episodes #1-7 are available now, Season 2 episodes #8-13 are being released monthly). We’re excited to share this with you - it’s a collection of some of our best material to help you set yourself up for weight loss success better than ever before.

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Sunday Feb 20, 2022

Your natural style and rhythm is not a set routine but rather, a fluid response to your day.
Today’s episode about your natural style and rhythm, suggests that what’s natural for you already lives inside of you and is always trying to emerge in response to your day. It’s based on the uniqueness of your mind and body, and married with the reward system of your brain. It’s how you navigate the ever-changing variables of your life that affect your moment-to-moment choices. It’s best described as how you feel your way (vs. think or control your way) through those choices and as such, has a degree of trust and a sense of ease to it.
Your natural style and rhythm is not something you dictate, it’s something you discover…
In this episode we’ll explain how you can relax into and develop natural relationships with food, movement and your body by embracing the ebbs and flows of life. We’ll also discuss why you should be careful of trying to do too much, too fast, too soon, and the powerful shift that happens when you free yourself from strict routines. We’ll also hear from Ben, a current client, and how he got past his all or nothing thinking and is connecting much better with his body.
Topics discussed in this episode:
● The fundamental flaw with other weight loss approaches● The importance of learning how to navigate the messiness of life● Why there’s no such thing as failure during the discovery process● How your natural style and rhythm evolves with you● Letting go of expectations when you’re in the discovery process● Why it’s important to pause and check in with “the want” in you● How to switch from your emotional brain to your executive function
Ben’s comments in this episode:
● “Before this, I was the kind of person who really had this sense of just aiming for perfection, perfection or nothing. So the idea that there was a rhythm is very foreign.“● “It’s going to take you some time to figure out what that rhythm is and that comes with it a certain amount of grace.“● “It really feels like riding the wave of life…working with the cadence instead of against it, (makes it) effortless.“
IF YOU LIKED WHAT YOU HEARD TODAY, WE'D LOVE IT IF YOU'D LEAVE AN ENCOURAGING REVIEW AND THEN TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Your feedback and sharing are what give this podcast the traction it needs in order to reach the people it needs to help, so thank you for your support.
Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:
Wisdom Bites™ Blog:

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

You can only move towards a vision, not a void.
Today’s episode about your bigger life challenges you to form a vision for yourself that goes way beyond weight loss. Indeed, one of the first questions I pose to new clients is “What would that weight loss enable?” Without this vision, you’re just asking for an end to the struggle. You’ll end up focusing on what you don’t want, rather than on what you do want, creating a void that will make it harder and harder to get up each morning and engage. Your bigger life, on the other hand, is about becoming more of who you know yourself to be deep down inside. It’s about making the contribution you’re destined to make in your life and in the world. Now that’s a vision that’s asking for joy.
Your potential – what you uniquely have to offer – is needed in the world…
In this episode we’re talking about why some people fear living their bigger life, how weight loss can actually have a sense of ease and simplicity to it, and why unleashing your gifts and talents to the world is your ticket to keeping the weight off for good. We’ll also hear from Elizabeth, a past client, to find out how she’s doing with her eating, her weight and her body and the benefits she continues to enjoy from her Conscious Weight Loss journey.
Topics discussed in this episode:
● What unconditional love is and why it’s important for weight loss● The practice that can help you free up more energy● How you need to ask for and live from joy as your natural state● How larger people tend to live with fear-based constraints● How developing conviction, trust and belief prepares you for your bigger life● What every one of us needs to hear more often● Why a sense of urgency does not align with living your bigger life
Elizabeth’s comments in this episode:
● “There’s this whole bigger aspect that I needed to start paying attention to but I needed that guide to help me.”● “I’m free because my world does not revolve around my weight and I never thought I would get there. I thought I would always have to deal with this.”● “My metric of success is, how do I feel today? Do I feel energized? Do I feel excited? Do I have vitality? Those are the things that matter to me more.”
IF YOU LIKED WHAT YOU HEARD TODAY, WE'D LOVE IT IF YOU'D LEAVE AN ENCOURAGING REVIEW AND THEN TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Your feedback and sharing are what give this podcast the traction it needs in order to reach the people it needs to help, so thank you for your support.
Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:
Wisdom Bites™ Blog:

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

Am I normal? Am I unique? We want to be both.
Today’s episode about core values starts with the essential need we all have to feel normal, to feel we belong. We want to know we’re accepted by others and not alone in our journey through life. At the same time, we have a Soul-level need to know there’s something unique within us. Something at our core that can unleash our natural gifts and talents in a way that makes a difference in the world. We want to know that who we are and who we’re becoming – through every trial, tribulation and triumph – matters. My promise to you? The person you uncover will be the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. Even better than chocolate.
Your authentic self – who you are at your core – has no need for excess weight…
In this episode we’re discussing how core values drive us in getting our needs met. We’ll touch on the human need to fit in and feel normal, while discovering what’s unique about us, and why it’s so powerful to identify our core values and our growth value in life. We’ll also hear from Kim, a new client, and what her impression of Conscious Weight Loss is so far, as she and Coach Kath have started digging into the root of her weight issues.
Topics discussed in this episode:
● How to align with your purpose and how that leads to fulfillment● Who your authentic self is and how to uncover that person● The importance of letting go of your outward persona● Why it’s critical to work with a professional coach with deep experience● One big clue that you may be out of alignment● What coaching clients actually want more than weight loss● What your core value mix is and how that makes you unique
Kim’s comments in this episode:
● “Like many people, I was at a stage in life where a lot of things were going really well for me…the only thing that I could say I wasn’t meeting my expectations was around my weight.”● “None of those things I was trying was getting to the heart of the matter. And so I came across Conscious Weight Loss and Coach Kath and thought, this looks like what I’m seeking.”● “I feel like I have already learned so much. I am a counsellor and a therapist…she’s pushing me to go deeper than maybe I’ve done before.“
IF YOU LIKED WHAT YOU HEARD TODAY, WE'D LOVE IT IF YOU'D LEAVE AN ENCOURAGING REVIEW AND THEN TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Your feedback and sharing are what give this podcast the traction it needs in order to reach the people it needs to help, so thank you for your support.
Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:
Wisdom Bites™ Blog:

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

Does this wiring make my butt look fat?
Today’s episode about temperament types helps you consider your natural wiring and how it affects your weight. Traits and skills tend to cluster, creating a temperament type. While you’ll recognize aspects of yourself in all four of the temperament types, which seems the most familiar to you? This is likely your dominant (or highest) type. Which is more foreign to you? This is likely your growth (or lowest) type. What’s intriguing is your inner saboteur and weight loss struggle are intimately connected to an overdependence on your dominant type and resistance of your growth type. Balance these two types, and you balance your life and your body.
Excess weight means you’re hiding out in your comfort zone and playing small…
In this episode we’re getting into how your temperament types can help or hinder your weight loss efforts. We’re going to be sharing frameworks to help you identify your own types, tell you how to watch out for the comparison trap, and discuss why it’s important to step out of your comfort zone. We’ll also hear from Antonietta, a grateful client, and why she feels this way about crossing paths with Coach Kath.
Topics discussed in this episode:
● The key aspects of your inner saboteur● What happens when one of your temperament types completely dominates● How your other temperament types can shift and change● Why falling into a comparison mindset is harmful and what to do about it● Which temperament types have an easier or harder time losing weight● How you can find the breakthroughs you’re looking for● The benefits of dialing down your dominant type and dialing up your growth type
Antonietta’s comments in this episode:
● “I have become a more open, aware person…awareness of things that (weren’t) even on my radar.”● “What I learned through Wisdom Bites was that when your dominant type is dialed up too high, it can be a weakness.”● “Having gone through the process with Kathrine, I realized…I can feel valuable and worthy…I’m still a good person. I’m still beautiful in my own skin.“
IF YOU LIKED WHAT YOU HEARD TODAY, WE'D LOVE IT IF YOU'D LEAVE AN ENCOURAGING REVIEW AND THEN TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Your feedback and sharing are what give this podcast the traction it needs in order to reach the people it needs to help, so thank you for your support.
Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:
Wisdom Bites™ Blog:

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

Alcohol? Drugs? No thanks, I’ve done enough damage with chocolate.
Today’s episode about harm reduction acknowledges that our drug of choice differs only by degree. All addictions involve the same brain networks and have some level of stigma and shame for the person struggling. A harm reduction approach is based on the preservation of a person’s dignity and autonomy, while helping to reduce the risks and harm of their behaviours. There’s an overwhelming body of evidence that this ‘compassion-first’ model works. It welcomes the shades of grey that are missing from the ‘good-bad’ framework of abstinence. If food is both your love and your nemesis, harm reduction is also the only way to restore your natural relationship with food.
If abstinence doesn’t feel realistic or sustainable to you, harm reduction is your solution…
In this episode we’re talking about harm reduction as it relates to food addiction. It can be challenging to get past this type of addiction, but there are definitely alternatives to the 12-step model. We’ll discuss why it’s so important to find an approach that meets you where you’re at and focuses on progress rather than perfection. We’ll also hear from Molly, Coach Kath’s own coach, for an insider's perspective on Coach Kath and her work.
Topics discussed in this episode:
● The 12-step model and why it’s not always the answer for food addiction● How food elimination can lead to obsession● How to know if your brain is healing from food addiction● What it means if you can’t take a day away from your trigger foods● How your brain assigns importance to foods● The difference between perceived freedom and true freedom● How to use 'cousin' foods to shift your brain into making better choices
Molly’s comments in this episode:
● “I’ve been working with Kathrine as she has built this beautiful company from ground zero.”● “She’s a person who has a passion…to serve others, especially in their weight loss journey…and then there’s this other part of her that’s so crazy creative.”● “I think that the harm reduction model works really well with people with food issues.“
IF YOU LIKED WHAT YOU HEARD TODAY, WE'D LOVE IT IF YOU'D LEAVE AN ENCOURAGING REVIEW AND THEN TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Your feedback and sharing are what give this podcast the traction it needs in order to reach the people it needs to help, so thank you for your support.
Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:
Wisdom Bites™ Blog:

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

You gotta do your turn as caterpillar goo, if you wanna morph into a butterfly.
Today’s episode about personal evolution explains a fundamental principle, one that can profoundly shift your mindset and move you forward. We’re talking about the deeper inner work that happens when you let go of the narrow viewpoint of ‘my looks’ and ‘my weight’ and start addressing the bigger picture of “Who am I?” and “Who am I becoming?” The thing is, inner work necessarily takes you through some sticky stages, experiences you might prefer to sidestep with some Goo Gone (yes, there is such a product). Be patient; the butterfly emerges as sure as it does in nature.
You are not your past. You are not even your present. You are your next conscious choice…
In this episode we’ll learn what’s required for lasting change is deep transformation. You have to be willing to explore the goo before you can explore the skies. We'll cover why personal evolution is pivotal to weight loss by helping you grow beyond your coping mechanisms to develop the life skills you need. We’ll also hear from Darlene, a new listener, and how she’s finding meaning in this genesis approach as it benefits other parts of her life as well.
Topics discussed in this episode:
● How most people end up managing weight loss when it’s built on limiting beliefs● How weight loss is a microcosm of the challenges in your life● How self-integrity can be honored in whole or in part● How you can be inspired to expand your growth beyond weight loss● Why you need to let go of the past for a better present and future● What to do when you make a choice that doesn’t serve you● How to know when you’ve transcended your weight issues
Darlene’s comments in this episode:
● “When I went through and I read the eguide it definitely inspired me to do it now, so it helped me make the decision.”● “I’m looking for this process to not only inform my weight loss, but also too, I just know that the ripple effect will be more than that.”● “Making a decision to be on the journey and then understanding what are some of the conscious choices that are easy enough to say Yes to.”
IF YOU LIKED WHAT YOU HEARD TODAY, WE'D LOVE IT IF YOU'D LEAVE AN ENCOURAGING REVIEW AND THEN TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Your feedback and sharing are what give this podcast the traction it needs in order to reach the people it needs to help, so thank you for your support.
Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:
Wisdom Bites™ Blog:

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

The majority of your weight loss resides in your eating. But how you feel during that weight loss resides in your movement. Yet how well you honour either, resides in the consciousness you bring to them.
Today’s episode about mindfulness and consciousness views these as distinct skills you can develop that will make all the difference to your weight loss efforts. Mindfulness brings non-judgemental awareness to the moments of your life, while consciousness brings wise practice to the choices of your life. Both skills are also essential for enhancing your quality of life.
When you’re reaching for excess food or dismissing movement, there’s a need presenting...
In this episode we’ll explore why mindfulness and consciousness need to be practiced together to create lasting change. We’ll dig into how every choice can be an experiment and how this perspective is key to weight loss. We’ll also hear from Rita, a seasoned client, and how she’s been able to lift herself from a dark place since she began her Conscious Weight Loss journey and started working with these concepts.
Topics discussed in this episode:
● The problem with the ‘eat less, move more’ mentality of weight loss● Why practicing non-judgement is important to your weight loss journey● What it means to take a mindful moment and why that matters● How language influences the way you feel about your food choices● Why attachment to outcomes can be detrimental to your progress● How an increase in awareness can keep moving you forward● How honouring your body helps you honour yourself
Rita’s comments in this episode:
● “When I...was connected with Coach Kath, she was actually referred to me by my doctor.”● “Now I see myself as someone who is very capable of success at this. Working with Conscious Weight Loss has been instrumental in that.”● “I’ve made some pretty big decisions about some travel and some opportunities...that I think only happened because of that work that I was doing.”
IF YOU LIKED WHAT YOU HEARD TODAY, WE'D LOVE IT IF YOU'D LEAVE AN ENCOURAGING REVIEW AND THEN TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Your feedback and sharing are what give this podcast the traction it needs in order to reach the people it needs to help, so thank you for your support.
Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:
Wisdom Bites™ Blog:

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

Kathrine Brown is a master-level coach, writer and your voice of clarity on weight loss. Did she set out to become this? Nope. She became this after a humbling moment…when she realized her dog was better at weight loss than she was. Since then she’s developed the leading-edge Conscious Weight Loss® coaching process, authored the insightful Wisdom Bites™ blog and saved thousands from potential weight loss embarrassment in the eyes of their pets.
In this podcast Coach Kath shares the wisdom and wit that got her from struggle to joy, from Ego to Soul. You can end your binge eating, food addiction, body image and self-sabotage issues naturally. You can live your bigger life with fun and fearlessness. And all this starts with deepening the conversations you’re having with yourself around weight loss. Your evolution…begins…now.
The first 'baker's dozen' episodes #1-13 were created as a FREE COACHING course for you (Season 1 episodes #1-7 are available now, Season 2 episodes #8-13 are being released monthly). We're excited to share this with you - it's a collection of some of our best material to help you set yourself up for weight loss success better than ever before.
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS INNOVATIVE APPROACH, visit While you're there, be sure to get the free companion eguide THE THREE AND A HALF BIG QUESTIONS YOU GOTTA ASK YOURSELF TO LOSE WEIGHT. Set yourself up for weight loss success better than ever before!
Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:
Wisdom Bites™ Blog:

To learn more about this innovative approach

Visit While you're there, be sure to get the free companion eguide THE THREE AND A HALF BIG QUESTIONS YOU GOTTA ASK YOURSELF TO LOSE WEIGHT. Set yourself up for weight loss success better than ever before!

Conscious Weight Loss® Bigger Life. Smaller Body.™ Website:

Wisdom Bites™ Blog:



This podcast has been created, produced, hosted and marketed by Kathrine Brown of Conscious Weight Loss Inc®. Special thanks to American Pro Voice Overs for on-air talent and East Coast Studio for post-production.

Copyright © 2002 - 2024 Conscious Weight Loss® Inc. All rights reserved.

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